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STEAM in Youth Work Framework

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The STEAM in Youth Work Framework is a tool for youth workers and other practitioners to get some guidelines around STEAM in Youth Work and to […]

Building Things & Playing with Lights

Building Things STEAM Guide WEB document cover
This Activity Guide covers STEAM activities around Marble Runs, Pinhole Photography, Bridge Building and Smartphone Photography. It is for youth workers and other practitioners working with […]

Games in Youth Work Handbook

Games Handbook WEB document cover

This practical toolkit is packed full of ideas, guidance, tips, templates and resources for youth workers who want to: Include gamification in their regular youth work Use existing […]

NYCI Annual Review 2021

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We’re very proud of what we achieved for the youth sector in the exceptional year that was 2021. With our members, we’ve worked hard to make […]

NYCI Budget 23 round-up

Budget 2023 Round-up document cover
Our post budget 2023 round-up outlines what budget 2023 means for the youth work sector and for young people. It provides an overview, analysis, and our […]

Globalisation: The Youth and The Truth

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Sense and Sexuality 2.0 Support Pack

The aim of the Sense and Sexuality 2.0 support Pack is to provide youth organisations with a comprehensive framework within which to address the issue of […]

NYCI Pre Budget Submission 2023

NYCI Pre Budget Submission 2023 document cover

We are asking Government to adopt our targeted plan for investment across youth work, the cost of living and youth homelessness to make an impact where it is most needed.
If put in place, this will provide immediate relief to many young people who are struggling with crippling costs, will address long-standing inequalities and, ensure that the youth work sector can deliver both now and into the future so young people can reach their full potential.


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The directors present their annual report together with the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021.

How to Create Change at the Local Level

How to Create Change document cover

The aim of this resource is to support young people’s understanding of how they can create meaningful change at the local level, particularly with regards to […]

Working Safely in a Youth Club

This updated resource Working Safely in a Youth Club is designed to offer guidance to youth leaders on ways in which they can provide a safe […]

This is Young Voices. A model of youth democratic engagement

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The Young Voices programme at the National Youth Council of Ireland, with oversight from the National Working Group on EU Youth Dialogue, undertook a qualitative evaluation of the Young Voices programme.

NYCI Post Budget Analysis 2022

NYCI Post Budget Analysis 2022 document cover

Budget 2022 “Progress on Youth Work but Youth Issues ignored again” Post-Budget Analysis

The Global YOUth – Journey to Act! [Free Resources + Activity Plans]

No need to be an expert! Easily build global issues into your work. This free resource pack includes: Ready to run activities, with step by step […]

EirGrid Report

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This document is a report from a youth consultation process on the subject of ‘Shaping our Electricity Future’ – a joint initiative between the National Youth […]

Petition for Budget 2023: Youth Work Changes Lives Campaign

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This document contains powerful testimonies of how youth work changes lives as well as signatures collected between the 2nd and 15th of September 2022 supporting the […]

Petition for Budget 2022: Youth Work Changes Lives Campaign

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This document contains stories of how youth work changes lives as well as 3,085 signatures collected between 13.09.21 and 30.09.21 as part of NYCI and our […]

Youth Work and Covid-19: 2021 Review of the Youth Work Sector Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic – Summary Report

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In 2020 NYCI published the first independent review of the youth work sector response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021 we commissioned a further study to […]

2021 Review of the Youth Work Sector Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic – Complete Report

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In 2020 NYCI published the first independent review of the youth work sector response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021 we commissioned a further study to […]

NYCI PRE-BUDGET SUBMISSION 2022: Restart, Restore, Renew

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This Pre-Budget Submission is entitled “Restart, Restore, Renew” because we are calling on Government to invest in policies and measures in Budget 2022 to achieve a […]

Skills Summary in Practice – How Youth Organisations in Ireland are Using the Tool

Skills Summary in Practice RESOURCE interactive version 08 Sep 2021 document cover

This resource offers an insight into just some of the ways organisations have shared with us about how they are using Skills Summary to support their work. We hope it will inspire you in your work, and as always please do reach out to us for support or to share how you are using Skills Summary in your work.

CHILDREN FIRST – A Guide to the Implementation of Children First in the Youth Work Sector

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This guidance document has been written for those who are working and volunteering in the youth work sector. It is essential for all of us who […]

Directors’ Report and Financial Statements Year Ended 31 December 2020

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The directors present their annual report together with the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020.

Submission on the National Action Plan Against Racism (2021)

NAPAR Submission NYCI July 2021 document cover

NYCI’s submission relates specifically to young people’s experiences of racism and the recommendations they, and the youth work sector have asked us to convey.