Saint Vincent de Paul
SVP is an international voluntary Christian organisation. Membership is open to anyone who can respect our ethos. SVP is Ireland’s largest voluntary organisation of social concern, with over 10,000 members nationwide, all working together to tackle poverty in all its forms. We are involved in a diverse range of activities characterised by: Support and friendship Promoting self-sufficiency Working for social justice.
Young SVP
Young SVP is our Youth Development Programme designed for young people attending secondary school, Youthreach and other educational settings, those taking part in youth groups and clubs and those at the 3rd level – be it in college/university.
The programme focuses on social action within the ethos and mission of SVP. Young people are offered opportunities to learn about SVP, social justice and how to engage in social action positively, intentionally, and meaningfully.
Child and Family Services
We support a number of long-established volunteer led youth clubs in Dublin as well as other children’s services across the country, including Childcare, After School Clubs, and Summer Holiday Camps. These services have been working in the communities and supporting children, young people, and families, providing much needed supports to the local communities.
Our youth clubs are volunteer led, and follow the core principles of our society, creating safe, young person cantered spaces and programmes which promote personal development, socially and educationally. Our aim is to celebrate each young person in our youth clubs and to create spaces where they feel happy and supported. By creating these spaces, we are aiming to give the young people greater confidence to bring in their lives and their communities.