Tailored Training Courses

March 22, 2019

Transforming Hate in Youth Work Settings

This training focuses on tackling hateful speech or behaviours in real and lasting ways. We come from the premise that hate and discrimination will not be changed by taking a punitive approach. The training gives tools to the youth worker to build their self-awareness, learn the principles of compassionate communication and adopt a needs-based approach to bring about lasting change.
March 22, 2019

8 Steps to Inclusive Youth Work – Training

Youth organisations can find it difficult to report on their inclusive youth work practice: “What should it look like?”; “Have we done enough?”; “Have we fallen short in some areas?”; “How do we do inclusion work in the context of other demands?”; “What are the key things we need to know to meet the key needs of minority and marginalised young people?”
March 22, 2019

Filmmaking with Young People in Youth Work Settings

Gain basic practical and creative skills in film making when working with young people in youth work settings. This workshop combines a range of skills required to deliver a film making programme such as digital video shooting, editing, storyboarding, effects, approaches, all while maintaining a youth work centred approach.
March 22, 2019

Capturing Magic Evaluation Training

The Capturing Magic- A Guide to Evaluating Outcomes in Youth Arts Projects resource was designed to support youth workers and youth arts practitioners to measure the outcomes for young people in their youth arts project. This training provides practical tips on how to use the resource to identify the best outcomes for your particular project and plan your evaluation.
March 22, 2019

Developing Funding Applications for Youth Arts Projects

The funding environment is competitive, there never seems enough money – and funder priorities will not always seem the same as your priorities. While we can’t guarantee you success, we can offer you a hands-on, interactive workshop supporting you to make a compelling case for your work, give you insight into the typical decision making processes and support you to put your best foot forward with an application.
February 8, 2019

Designing an Intercultural Programme

On day one the course follows the structure of the ‘Intercultural Awareness and Cultural Competency’ training day. On the second day participants will develop practical skills to engage with young people and volunteers in a culturally diverse setting, as well as planning and delivering their own session on Interculturalism and inclusion.