Tailored Training Courses

March 20, 2024

Specialist Certificate in Youth Mental Health Promotion – September 2024 – May 2025

The National Youth Health Programme delivers the Specialist Certificate in Youth Health Promotion in conjunction with NUI Galway every second year. The course aims to encourage, support and facilitate youth organisations to become effective settings for health.

Programme Award: Certificate in Health Promotion (Level 7) - Specialist Certificate in Youth Health Promotion awarded by NUI Galway
September 4, 2023

EmPowering YOUth

Understanding Power is a key aspect of empowering young people in embracing who they are and how to change their communities and the wider world for the better. This half day or full day workshop will facilitate you, your organisation and the young people you work with in building knowledge and skills in recognising, exploring and harnessing power.
September 4, 2023

Local to Global – Introduction to Global Youth Work

The connection between local and global issues is not always obvious at first. This training delves a little deeper into issues relevant to young people and looks to build on the knowledge of youth workers and young people as we all navigate between our local community and a globalised world.
September 4, 2023

Globalisation – YOUth and the Truth

We live in an interconnected world and are influenced everyday by globalisation through the food we eat, the music we listen to, what we buy, what we drink, how and with whom we communicate, and how we live. Through this training, we will look at Globalisation – the issues, the opportunities and challenges – what brings the world together and how global issues and relationships (both seen, and unseen) are relevant to youth work in Ireland.
June 15, 2023

Global Youth Work – online learning module

The National Youth Council of Ireland in collaboration with Maynooth University has developed a new interactive online learning module on Global Youth Work. The module includes animations, interviews with youth work sector and Global Citizenship Education stakeholders, tools and resources addressing three key areas - Understanding Globalisation; Principles and Practice; & a transformative youth work practice model.