Our programmes provide expert guidance, practical training and user-friendly resources to support your work with young people.
Youth Arts
The NYCI’s Youth Arts Programme is a strategic partnership of The National Youth Council of Ireland, The Arts Council and The Department of Children and Youth Affairs. It is dedicated to the development and advancement of youth arts in Ireland.
Child Protection
The Child Protection Programme is based in the National Youth Council of Ireland and is funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
Equality & Intercultural
The Equality and Intercultural Programme at NYCI is here to support you to embed equality, inclusion, diversity and interculturalism in your youth work setting.
Global Youth Work & Development Education
Global youth work is essentially good youth work, which responds to young people’s changing circumstances. Global youth work is about discovering global issues with young people through non-formal education. The aim is to explore a young person’s role in their local community, and within a globalised world.
Youth Health
The NYHP is dedicated to developing and promoting a culture within the youth sector which focuses on health and wellbeing by building the capacity of the youth workers and volunteers.
STEAM Engagement Programme
Ensuring STEAM is used to improve the lives of young people and inspire their curiosity.
We aim to facilitate and promote the involvement of youth organisations and young people in international activities and to encourage youth organisations to include an international dimension to their youth work.
Digital Youth Work
We use innovative methodologies to support the achievement of youth work outcomes and train youth workers to support the young people they work with to deal with living in an increasingly digitalised world.
Projects & Initiatives
NSETS works to ensure and promote quality standards in the education and training of youth workers through an endorsement process based on a rigorous assessment of all aspects of programme content and delivery.
Climate Justice
Future Generations – Climate Justice Project seeks to explore and highlight the systemic and human rights issues related to the climate crisis.
Skills Summary
Online tool
Skills Summary is an easy to use online tool that measures the skills young people gain by participating in youth work and volunteering opportunities, building their confidence, so that they can better communicate the value of these essential skills to future employers.
Young Voices
Young Voices is a programme that offers ongoing opportunities for young people from age sixteen to thirty years who have an interest in change making.
One World Week
One World Week is a week of youth-led awareness raising, education and action that takes place throughout Ireland during the third week in November every year.
North-South Practice Development Hub
The North-South Youth Work Sector Practice Development Hub is a joint initiative between the National Youth Council of Ireland and the Education Authority Youth Service, Northern Ireland.
UN Youth Delegate
Since 2015, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and NYCI have partnered to provide the opportunity for young Irish people to participate in the UN Youth Delegate Programme.
Past Projects & Initiatives
Your Wellbeing Hub
The wellbeing hub was developed with youth workers’ needs in mind. NYCI’s Health Programme collected their ‘building blocks for wellbeing’ content for youth workers to access when and as they need.
Community is You
Following the recommencing of youth group activities in towns and villages around Ireland after the Covid-19 lockdowns, a campaign seeking local volunteers who could help rebuild those spaces was launched.
25 Percent Project
The 25 Percent project aims to give space to youth voices who have not been heard before, influence the Conference on the Future of Europe through actionable ideas, and empower young people from all walks of life to become active citizens.
Eirgrid Consultation
Ireland’s ambition is to achieve 70% renewable energy sources by 2030. Eirgrid needs the voices of young people to help prepare for a cleaner energy future.
YouthPact, the Quality and Impact body for the EU PEACE IV Children & Young People’s Programme, is a cross-border partnership of four regional organisations: Co-operation Ireland, Ulster University, NYCI and Pobal.
Screenagers is a collaborative international research project focussing on the use of ICT, digital and social media in youth work. It is a partnership between agencies in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
No Hate Speech
The No Hate Speech Movement was a youth campaign led by the Council of Europe Youth Department