Youth work stakeholders from all over Europe are coming together today in Dublin at the “Digital Youth Work – State of Play – Moving Forward” Conference to experience the results and learning from an international project on Digital Youth Work.
The project examined different aspects of digital youth work from developing national strategies and youth worker competencies to innovative online methodologies and the impact for young people.
STEAM and Digital Youth Work in Europe
The importance of digital competencies has been magnified in current times. Life is fundamentally digital for many young people, while some are on the other side of the digital divide. However, digital youth work has a lot to offer for all. Digital makes for
- a convenient tool,
- an appealing activity and
- essential content in youth work.
Digital Youth Work is a long-term project of the National Agencies of Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps. The project is a part of the continuing development of digital youth work in Europe, and it builds on the Council Conclusions on Digital Youth Work (2019). The European reports on the Strategic National Agency Cooperation are available on the project website.
The National Youth Council of Ireland in partnership with Léargas took the lead on exploring the impact on young people of engaging in digital youth work and STEAM projects. The Enhancing Young Peoples’ Digital Competences research was carried out in Ireland, Iceland and Finland.