Today, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) have announced changes to the Covid-19 Guidance for Youth Organisations.
One key change that was due to be made on October 22nd was that the “remaining restrictions on attendance at indoor activities” were to be removed.
However, in light of disease in the community at this point in time and the uncertain trajectory of the disease, the Government’s announcement indicates the following protective measure is to be maintained:
- “organisers of indoor and outdoor group activities should ensure that appropriate protective measures are in place, and where indoor groups have a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated people indoors, pods of 6 should apply”.
The current Guidance for Youth Work Organisations allows for multiple pods of 6 (excluding adult leaders/teachers) subject to protective measures. To avoid any confusion, that is not a ratio of 2 adults to a pod of 6. The pods are exclusive of the adult leader/teacher.
The Minister and the Department is aware of the challenges this will bring to youth work organisations who had been planning for a removal of this measure from October 22nd. We are currently working with Government to see if it would be possible to amend this measure.
However, in the interim, the DCEDIY Guidance for Youth Organisations has been updated to maintain the existing measures.