Screenagers is a collaborative international research project focussing on the use of ICT, digital and social media in youth work
What is Screenagers?
This project is a response to a need identified within the youth work sector at the Screenagers International seminar in 2014 which took place in Dublin. It is a partnership between agencies in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The project is funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme.
The Screenagers International Research Project is a partnership between agencies in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Finland, Austria and Denmark
National Reports
Alongside the international research report, each agency produced a report detailing national findings, which you can download below.
Screenagers International Seminar 2014
The Screenagers International Seminar took place from March 31st to April 2nd. It was convened to create a space for stakeholders from across Europe to engage in a new dialogue on ICT, digital and social media in youth work, and to identify areas of collaboration and action in the areas of policy and practice.
Digital Youth Work Guidelines
These guidance documents were developed in response to the recommendations identified in the Screenagers International research project. They accompany a Screenagers workshop with policy makers and youth work organisations, exploring: An Introduction to Digital Youth Work | Using Digital Media and Technology Safely and Effectively in Youth Work Settings | Using Social Media in Youth Work Settings |Training & Resources for Digital Youth Work.
This project is funded by the EU Erasmus+ Programme
Supported by Dogpatch Labs