NYCI is committed to the protection of the children and young people we work with and advocate for, and to promoting good practice within our organisation. NYCI believes in promoting the rights of the child, including the participation of children and young people in matters that affect them. NYCI adheres to the Children First Act 2015 and the Children First National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017. The best interests and the welfare of the child is the paramount consideration underpinning all NYCI interactions and decisions. Below is NYCI’s Child Safeguarding Statement that outlines our commitment to keeping children safe and the measures we have in place to ensure this. 

At NYCI, we are committed to making sure the young people we interact with have a positive experience and are kept safe and protected from harm when they participate in our activities or events. One of the ways we do this is by making sure our staff know how they are expected to behave and engage with young people and that young people know this as well. Below is our Code of Behaviour which was created with our staff and reflects our values, mission, and vision.