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Youth Check Report – June 2018

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Youth Check is an impact assessment tool designed to consider the impact on young people and children of  any new Policy or Legislation that is relevant […]

Submission To The Citizens Assembly: Tackling Climate Change

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NYCI’s submission to the Citizens Assembly outlines recommendations on how the State can make Ireland a leader in tackling climate change.

‘a Million Good Reasons’ Nyci Pre-budget Submission (budget 2018)

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Ireland’s youth population will increase by 11.6% between 2015 and 2025, rising to just over 1,000,000. NYCI’s Pre-Budget Submission (2018) ‘A Million Good Reasons: preparing Ireland […]

Nyci Post Budget 2017 Analysis

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Budget 2017 did nothing to redress the inequitable and age discriminatory policies adopted during recession in response to youth unemployment. In fact, the decisions taken in […]

Nyci Pre-budget 2017 Submission

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In this submission NYCI recommends to Government a number of priorities for investment in Budget 2017 Invest in Youth Work Services Reduce Youth Unemployment   Incentivise […]

Final Report On Young Voices Structural Dialogue – Cycle 4

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Final report of the work done in 2014 and 2015 on the topic of political empowerment. If you would like a hard copy, please contact […]

Nyci General Election ’16 Manifesto

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This General Election Manifesto puts forward a range of proposals to improve the lives of young people, to support them to achieve their full potential and […]

Nyci Post-budget 2016 Analysis

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We acknowledge the importance of an increase in funding for youth work services in Budget 2016, which will provide additional support to youth organizations working with […]

Nyci Pre-budget Submission 2016

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In this submission NYCI outlines what we believe should be Government priorities for action and spending in Budget 2016; 1. Invest in Youth Work Services Increase […]

Home Is Where The Heart Is – Conference Report

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‘Home is Where the Heart is’ was an NYCI conference on return migration from a youth perspective. The conference was opened by the Minister of State […]

Jobbridge: Stepping Stone Or Dead End (complete Report)

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Nyci Pre-budget Submission 2015

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Nyci Post-budget 2015 Analysis

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While we acknowledge the maintenance of funding for youth work services at the current level as significant and the additional monies allocated to Child Benefit, we […]

Young Voter Behaviour – Redc Poll (2014)

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A new poll Red C poll commissioned by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) has found that 30% of young people aged 18-25 were not […]

Redc/nyci Poll Young Voter Registration 2014

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A new poll Red C poll commissioned by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) has found that 30% of young people aged 18-25 were not […]

Nyci Briefing Paper On Voter Participation National Survey

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A new poll Red C poll commissioned by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) has found that 30% of young people aged 18-25 were not […]

Nyci Submission On The Children And Family Relationships Bill (2014)

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In light of our decision to support a yes vote in the Children's Referendum, NYCI supports the inclusion of the key principles of ‘best interest’ and […]

Nyci Submission On Education For Sustainable Development (2013)

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Request for submissions to inform the development of a National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development in Ireland Submission from the National Youth Council of Ireland

Comments On: National Strategy On Education For Sustainable Development Analysis Of Public Consultation Process 19 November 2013

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Request for submissions to inform the development of a National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development in Ireland Submission from the National Youth Council of Ireland

Nyci Factsheet On Cuts To Under-26 Jobseekers Benefits

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Nyci Post-budget 2014 Analysis

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At a time of high youth unemployment and high levels of youth emigration from Ireland, Budget 2014 has delivered another devastating budget for young people. The […]

Structured Dialogue Conclusions (2013)

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Structured Dialogue: Ireland’s Consultation – Summary Report (lithuania)

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Structured Dialogue: Joint Conclusions Of The Eu Youth Conference In Lithuania

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