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State of our young nation: A report into the lives of Irish 18-29-year-olds

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This report provides in-depth insights on the financial, social, and other substantial challenges young people face, alongside their views on opportunities ahead; from housing and mental health, to work and study, and considerations about staying or leaving Ireland. Its aim is to provide a solid evidence base for NYCI’s policy and advocacy work moving forward.

RedC/NYCI – Youth Work Organisations Research

RedC/NYCI - Youth Work Organisations Research document cover

Irish people value youth work, and wish to see greater funding. That’s one of the key takeaways from this research carried out by RED C on […]

NYCI Budget 2024 Round-up

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In Budget 2024 we called for a total package of €264m to address challenges facing young people including the cost-of-living crisis, accommodation shortages, youth homelessness and the need for increased youth work supports. See our analysis of what Budget 2024 means for young people and youth work.

Young Voices Report 2023

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This report was compiled through a consultation with young people, as part of the Young Voices - EU Youth Dialogue process in Ireland. The focus of […]

Vision for Youth Work

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The Vision for Youth Work, developed together with our membership and the wider youth sector, sets out a vision for the future direction of youth work […]

Action Plan for Youth Services session plan

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This session plan aims to help youth workers to deliver a short 15–30-minute session to prepare young people to share their views. Why is this important? […]

NYCI Submission to Oireachtas Committee on Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

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NYCI addressed the Oireachtas Committee on Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth on Tuesday 18th April to highlight issues around Youth Work. This submission provided members […]

STEAM and Digital Youth Work in Ireland

This report is an analysis of the role and impact of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths) and Digital Youth Work on a national scale in […]

Enhancing Young Peoples’ Digital Competences

This report has been developed as part of the Strategic National Agency Cooperation (SNAC) on Digital Youth Work (DYW), which improves and develops digital youth work […]

NYCI Submission to Oireachtas Committee – Future of the Media 01.02.23

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National Youth Council of Ireland submission to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht on future business model plans and long-term vision for the media sector.

NYCI Annual Review 2021

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We’re very proud of what we achieved for the youth sector in the exceptional year that was 2021. With our members, we’ve worked hard to make […]

NYCI Budget 23 round-up

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Our post budget 2023 round-up outlines what budget 2023 means for the youth work sector and for young people. It provides an overview, analysis, and our […]

NYCI Pre Budget Submission 2023

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We are asking Government to adopt our targeted plan for investment across youth work, the cost of living and youth homelessness to make an impact where it is most needed.
If put in place, this will provide immediate relief to many young people who are struggling with crippling costs, will address long-standing inequalities and, ensure that the youth work sector can deliver both now and into the future so young people can reach their full potential.

This is Young Voices. A model of youth democratic engagement

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The Young Voices programme at the National Youth Council of Ireland, with oversight from the National Working Group on EU Youth Dialogue, undertook a qualitative evaluation of the Young Voices programme.

NYCI Post Budget Analysis 2022

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Budget 2022 “Progress on Youth Work but Youth Issues ignored again” Post-Budget Analysis

Petition for Budget 2023: Youth Work Changes Lives Campaign

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This document contains powerful testimonies of how youth work changes lives as well as signatures collected between the 2nd and 15th of September 2022 supporting the […]

Petition for Budget 2022: Youth Work Changes Lives Campaign

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This document contains stories of how youth work changes lives as well as 3,085 signatures collected between 13.09.21 and 30.09.21 as part of NYCI and our […]

Youth Work and Covid-19: 2021 Review of the Youth Work Sector Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic – Summary Report

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In 2020 NYCI published the first independent review of the youth work sector response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021 we commissioned a further study to […]

2021 Review of the Youth Work Sector Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic – Complete Report

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In 2020 NYCI published the first independent review of the youth work sector response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021 we commissioned a further study to […]

NYCI PRE-BUDGET SUBMISSION 2022: Restart, Restore, Renew

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This Pre-Budget Submission is entitled “Restart, Restore, Renew” because we are calling on Government to invest in policies and measures in Budget 2022 to achieve a […]

Submission on the National Action Plan Against Racism (2021)

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NYCI’s submission relates specifically to young people’s experiences of racism and the recommendations they, and the youth work sector have asked us to convey.

NYCI Annual Review 2020

We’re very proud of what we achieved for the youth sector in the exceptional year that was 2020. With our members, we’ve worked hard to make […]

Competencies of Sexuality Educators

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In 2017, the WHO (World Health Organisations) developed a framework to provide support for sexuality educators when implementing sexual health training programmes. The framework also aims […]

Electoral Reform Bill – NYCI Opening Statement to Joint Oireachtas Committee

Statement to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on HLGH on the Electoral Reform Bill - June 2020 document cover

Opening Statement to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage on the General Scheme of the Electoral Reform Bill, 2020. 8th June, 2021