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Dear Poverty – A resource exploring poverty through an intersectional lens

This resource has been designed by young people for other young people, youth workers, educators and youth leaders to explore the concept of poverty through the […]

National Climate Justice Conference

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Seventy-seven members of the broader youth work sector came together for the National Climate Justice Conference. The overall aim of the conference was to support attendees […]

Globalisation: The Youth and The Truth

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How to Create Change at the Local Level

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The aim of this resource is to support young people’s understanding of how they can create meaningful change at the local level, particularly with regards to […]

The Global YOUth – Journey to Act! [Free Resources + Activity Plans]

No need to be an expert! Easily build global issues into your work. This free resource pack includes: Ready to run activities, with step by step […]

Submission on the National Action Plan Against Racism (2021)

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NYCI’s submission relates specifically to young people’s experiences of racism and the recommendations they, and the youth work sector have asked us to convey.

How to get young people involved in the Climate Justice Movement

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We have created this resource to support you to deliver climate justice work with young people. Please read, use and adapt it to suit your group’s […]

Building Back Better: Youth, Power and Planet

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This toolkit explores the issue of power and helps you make links to the Sustainable Development Goals. It is designed for global educators, youth workers, development […]

Youth Manifesto on Climate Justice

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This manifesto is the result of the NYCI Climate Revolution Youth Summit, which saw over 400 young people come together at the RDS, Dublin to discuss […]

Climate Revolution: One World Week development education and global citizenship education resource pack

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Young people across the planet have become instrumental and a leading voice in taking action against Climate Change and for Climate Justice.

NYCI Annual Review 2018

We’re very proud of what we achieved for the youth sector in 2018. With our members we’ve worked hard to make sure youth work is recognised […]

Activism, the SDGs and Youth

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Welcome to the latest NYCI Resource for Global Educators, Youth Workers, Development Education practitioners, trainers, activists, changemakers of all shapes and sizes but in particular those […]

Generation For Change UN Youth Delegates Report

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A Generation for Change: Spotlight Report on Young People, the Sustainable Development Goals and Ireland is a report by Ireland’s UN youth Delegates that details issues […]

Peace, Justice And The Sdgs Resource

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This resource for youth workers on Peace, Justice and the SDGs focuses on Goal 16. It provides activities and opportunities for young people (and those who work with […]

Sustainable Development Goals And Youth

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World leaders have agreed a new set of Global Goals – or Sustainable Development Goals – to end extreme poverty, fight inequality, and address climate change. […]

Submission To The Joint Oireachtas Committee On Foreign Affairs And Trade – Review Of Irish Aid Programme

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Review of Irish Aid Programme: Read the Submission to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence  made by the National Youth Council […]

Submission To The Citizens Assembly: Tackling Climate Change

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NYCI’s submission to the Citizens Assembly outlines recommendations on how the State can make Ireland a leader in tackling climate change.

Download SDGs and Youth Powerpoint Presentation

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This powerpoint presentation is meant to be something you can dip in and out of. It will hopefully help you learn about the Sustainable Development Goals […]

Global Rights, Noble Goals: Refugees, Migration, The Sustainable Development Goals And Youth

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The resource seeks to put the plight of refugees and the drivers of migration into a wider political context with the SDGs as a tool providing […]

Employment Resource Pack

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The resource seeks to put the plight of refugees and the drivers of migration into a wider political context with the SDGs as a tool providing […]

Setting Our Sights On Rights

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The resource seeks to put the plight of refugees and the drivers of migration into a wider political context with the SDGs as a tool providing […]

Human Rights Resource Pack

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The resource seeks to put the plight of refugees and the drivers of migration into a wider political context with the SDGs as a tool providing […]

Community Resource Pack

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The resource seeks to put the plight of refugees and the drivers of migration into a wider political context with the SDGs as a tool providing […]

Environment Resource Pack

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The resource seeks to put the plight of refugees and the drivers of migration into a wider political context with the SDGs as a tool providing […]