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Promoting Health in the Youth Sector

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Over the past few years, there has been significant developments at policy and strategy levels, both internationally and nationally, which provide a strong rationale for promoting […]

Sense and Sexuality 2.0 Support Pack

The aim of the Sense and Sexuality 2.0 support Pack is to provide youth organisations with a comprehensive framework within which to address the issue of […]

Competencies of Sexuality Educators

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In 2017, the WHO (World Health Organisations) developed a framework to provide support for sexuality educators when implementing sexual health training programmes. The framework also aims […]

Coco’s Law – infographic

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NYCI’s Youth Health and Child Protection Programmes have created an infographic to help you understand Coco’s Law – The Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offences Act […]

Health Quality Mark Support Manual 2020

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This support manual has been designed to support youth organisations in pursuit of the NYHP’s Health Quality Mark (HQM) and includes: An introduction to the National Youth […]

UBU Your Place Your Space and links to NYHP

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The NYCI National Youth Health Programme has developed this infographic to provide information to youth workers about the links between The National Youth Health Programme (NYHP) […]

Planetary Health Checklist

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The NYCI National Youth Health Programme has developed this planetary health checklist to assist youth workers and those working with young people. This checklist provides tips […]

Planetary Health and the Youth Work Sector

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The NYCI National Youth Health Programme has developed this video on planetary health to support youth workers and those working with young people. The video provides […]

Consent and the Youth Sector – What do we know? Executive Summary

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A Needs Assessment of Workers and Volunteers in the Youth Sector

Let’s Talk About Consent: a guide for youth workers exploring the topic of consent with young people

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This guide for youth workers provides an introduction to the concept of consent and include information on: Consent and the Irish Law Tools to build the […]

Let’s Talk About Consent: a guide for young people exploring the topic of consent

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This guide for young people provides an introduction to the concept of consent and include information on: Consent and the Irish Law Tools to build the […]

Let’s Talk About Sexting

The NYCI National Youth Health Programme with support from An Garda Síochána, has developed this toolkit to assist youth workers and those working with young people […]

NYCI Annual Review 2018

We’re very proud of what we achieved for the youth sector in 2018. With our members we’ve worked hard to make sure youth work is recognised […]


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The course encourages, supports and facilitates youth organisations to become effective settings for health. 

Spiced Up 2010: A Resource For Working With Young Women

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Spiced up is written with youth workers and leaders in mind as well as those who are involved in working with young women in a non-formal […]

Health Quality Mark Support Manual 2011

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Dealing With The Drugs Issue (2001)

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Support Pack for Dealing with the Drugs Issue in Out-of-School Settings

Lets Beat Bullying (2007)

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This resource has been written for the Youth Work sector and stems from a recognition by NYCI Youth Health Programme and the Child Protection Programme that […]

Good Habits Of Mind (2004)

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This resource is a mental health promotion initiative for those working with young people in out-of-school settings. One of the key findings of the project was […]

Heal – Healthy Eating, Active Living (2010)

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A Resource for those Working with Young People in Youth Work Settings